Effect Of Cervical Stabilization Exercises Versus Cervical Headache SNAG Following Sensorimotor Retraining On Pain And Functional Disability Among Cervicogenic Headache Patients: A Comparative Study
Cervical Stabilization exercise, Cervical Headache SNAG, Sensorimotor RetrainingAbstract
Aim- To study the effect of Cervical Stabilization Exercises versus Cervical Headache SNAG Following Sensorimotor Retraining on Pain & functional disability among Cervicogenic Headache Patients. Relevance of study – CEH leads to important deteriorations in patient’s quality of life. Manual cervical therapy has shown improvement in headache symptomatology. Methodology- In this study 30 patients with CEH were selected, Group ‘A’ (n=15) & Group ‘B’(n=15). The Cervical Stabilization Exercises Following Sensorimotor Retraining was given to Group ‘A’ & Cervical Headache SNAG Following Sensorimotor Retraining was given to Group ‘B’. Result- On intergroup comparison Group-A pre and post diff mean of NPRS was 2.4±0.7, NDI was 4.8±3, HDI was 8.1±3.8 this compared with Group B pre and post diff mean of NPRS was 1±0.4, NDI was 2.7±1.11, HDI was 5.4±2.5 with p value of NPRS was <0.0001, NDI was 0.0168, HDI was 0.0313. Conclusion - Cervical Stabilization Exercises following sensorimotor retraining was more effective than Cervical Headache SNAG following sensorimotor retraining.
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