Effect of different phases of menstrual cycle on cardiorespiratory fitness (vo2max) and physical fitness index in physiotherapy students age group between 18 to 25 years
VO2Max, PFI, Treadmill TestAbstract
AIM-To study the effect of different phases of menstrual cycle on cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2 max) and physical fitness index in physiotherapy students age group between 18 to 25 years . RELEVANCE OF STUDY– This study is necessary to determine the changes in the cardiorespiratory system in the women during different phases.The VO2 max is important to calculate because it represents how much oxygen body uses during exercise at a maximum effort and physical fitness index will measure the cardiovascular efficiency. This study will help to find effect on VO2 max and PFI in different phases of menstrual cycle in young females between age group of 18 to 25 years. METHODOLOGY- In this cross-sectional study 41female participants were selected according to inclusion & exclusion criteria. VO2 max (maximum oxygen uptake) was directly assessed by Bruce treadmill test method and PFI (Physical fitness index) was assessed by Harvard step test during all three phases of menstrual cycle RESULTS-VO2 max in menstrual phase (20.653±2.052)and in follicular phase VO2 max is (22.283±2.184) and in luteal phase (22.437±2.250).PFI (physical fitness index) in menstrual phase is (89.406±5.281)and in follicular phase is (92.018±3.762) and in luteal phase (94.471±4.761) after applying repeated measures of ANOVA the P value is 0.0001 which is less than 0.5this indicate that there is extremely significant difference between three phase of menstrual cycle. CONCLUSION - The study conclude that there is extremely significant difference in cardiorespiratory fitness level VO2max and PFI (Harvard step test) during three different phases of menstrual cycle
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