Prevalence of Maternal blues in Primiparous and Multiparous Women Using Maternal Blues Suryani Scale : An Observational Study


  • Shaikh Mahvish Intern, Dr.Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon
  • Kalsait Ashwini Associate Professor, Dr.Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon
  • Talapalli Radhika Assistant Professor, Dr.Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon
  • Nagulkar Jaywant Principal & Professor, Dr. Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgoan



maternal blues, baby blues, primipara, multipara, postpartum depression


Aim- To study the prevalence of Maternal Blues in Primiparous women and Multiparous women using Maternal Blues Suryani Scale. Relevance of study - Maternal Blues if not detected and taken care off in time can progress to major clinical postpartum depression and it has adverse effects on development and health of infant and mother such as that mothers might become triggered to engage in self-injury, suicide, or abandoning their babies. Methodology- In this observational study 102 females were selected,  according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of which 51 women were Primiparous and 51 were Multiparous. Written consent was taken from the subjects prior to the study. The entire procedure was explained to the participants and demographic details of the patient were taken. Participants were given printed copy of the scale in their language; Maternal Blues Suryani Scale, and a pen. Participants were asked to carefully read each statement in the scale and then tick the appropriate answer. Result- Total 102 women were the participants of this study. Out of which 51 were primiparous women and 51 were multiparous women. Mean age of Primiparopus women was 21.35 and that of Multiparous was 27.52. Mean % of Maternal Blues in Primiparous women is 55.15% and that in Multiparous women is 52.03%. Conclusion- Prevalence of Maternal Blues is slightly higher in Primiparous(55.15%) women than in Multiparous women(52.03%).




Author Biography

Kalsait Ashwini, Associate Professor, Dr.Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon

Associate Professor in Dept, of Neuro Physiotherapy


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How to Cite

Mahvish, S., Ashwini, K., Radhika, T., & Jaywant, N. (2024). Prevalence of Maternal blues in Primiparous and Multiparous Women Using Maternal Blues Suryani Scale : An Observational Study . VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 6(1), 41–46.



Original Article