Effect Of Kinesiotaping Along With Conventional Physiotherapy On Forward Head Posture, Deep Neck Flexors & Functional Disability Among Young Adults (18-25 Years) - An Experimental Study
Effect Of Kinesiotaping Along With Conventional Physiotherapy On Forward Head Posture, Deep Neck Flexors & Functional Disability Among Young Adults (18-25 Years) - An Experimental Study
Conventional physiotherapy, Forward head posture, KinesiotapingAbstract
Aim-To study the effect of kinesiotaping along with conventional physiotherapy on forward head posture, deep neck flexors endurance and functional disability among young adults (18-25) Objectives-To evaluate forward head posture in young adults or to find out the effect of kinesiotaping along with conventional physiotherapy on forward head posture, deep neck flexors endurance and functional disability among young adults. Methodology- In this study 34 subjects were included according to inclusion criteria. Craniovertebral angle was calculated or deep neck flexor endurance was measured and neck disability index questionnaire was taken then intervention of kinesiotaping 3 days per week for 4 weeks and conventional physiotherapy includes stretching, strengthening and postural stabilization exercise was given to the subjects for 5 days per week for 4 weeks was given. Result-On intra group comparison using paired t test the pre intervention mean of CVA was 46.29+2.384 Obtained p value after the intervention is <0.0001 with post mean 50.23 +3.060,the pre intervention mean Deep neck cervical flexor endurance was 21.294+8.27. Obtained p value after the intervention is <0.0001 with post mean26.117+ 9.67 which implies th.at there is significant difference between pre post comparison. the pre intervention mean of NDI was 24.720+4.351. Obtained p value after the intervention is <0.0001 with post mean 21.067 + 3.410 which implies that there is significant difference between pre post comparison. Conclusion-Kinesiotaping along with conventional physiotherapy is effective to treat forward head posture, to improve deep neck flexors endurance and to reduce functional disability among young adult (18-25).
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