Author Guidelines

   Types of Manuscripts Accepted:

All articles should be submitted online at the journal website (Submissions | VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY ( No manuscripts will be accepted without registration into the system and submission via Submissions | VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY ( Submission via email or hard copy will not be entertained.

VIMS Journal of Physical Therapy accepts the following types of articles for publication:

  • Original Articles( RCT, Cross-sectional Study, etc)
  • Systematic review
  • Meta-analysis
  • Pilot study
  • Case series and Case reports
  • Letter to Editor
  • Book review
  • Instrument Review

General Manuscript Format and Guidelines


The title should identify the research design and topic of the study


Authors and author affiliations. Write in the sequence of Contributions. 


The abstract can be unstructured but should include the following points-

 • Background to the study

 • Method in Short

 • Results

 • Main conclusions

 Keywords: To assist in indexing the journal, list up to 6 keywords (not from the title), which your article could be indexed.

Include an abstract of not more than 150 words.


The introduction is then best constructed as a descriptive funnel, starting with broad topics and slowly focusing on the work at hand. The introduction should include a background to the topic including:

• Background information e.g. pertinent information relating to the research study

• A brief review of pertinent literature related to the study

• The purpose of the study –Last summary sentence may be added stating how the answer to your question will contribute to the overall field of study- i.e. what is novel about this study?

Materials and methods

This section should be the description of the methods used in your study. Each method should be in detail. Standard guidelines such as CONSORT, STROBE, etc may be referred to depending on the type of study. This section must include the following points

  • Research Settings
  • Research Design
  • IEC approval details
  • CTRI registration
  • Sampling method and Sample size ( Detail Calculations)
  • Blinding, allocation method

1. Participants

2. Procedure

3. Patient Photos: Supply images at the highest resolution obtainable from the source. Do not reduce the file size.


Introduce each group of tables and figures in a separate paragraph where the overall trends and data points of particular interest are noted. You also need to indicate the placement of a particular table or figure in the text. The result should include the following details

· Participants flow through the research(Flow Chart)

· Statistical Package used( Ex. SPSS)

· Statistical Tests

· Graphical Representations and tables


The first paragraph should summarize the main findings of the study. The results should be evaluated in terms of accuracy, validity, and uniqueness. Summarize the most important findings and, if applicable, accept or reject the proposed hypothesis Information from the research study should be integrated with information from previous literature. New knowledge should be highlighted and recommendations made It is often informative if a discussion of the potential weaknesses of the interpretation is also included.


Key findings based on Purpose /Objectives and major results. Finally, end with a statement of how this work contributes to the overall field of study


Mention Funding received

Conflict of Interest

It is important to mention a Conflict of Interest related to financial or other personal considerations which may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising a researcher's professional judgment in conducting or reporting research.


Acknowledgments should be provided for anyone who was not an author but helped in the preparation of the article and also for any funding that was provided for the study. State all of the funding sources for the work, ensuring that the statement adheres to the guidelines provided by the funding institution.


Use Vancouver as the referencing system. A few Examples are given Below

Page Limit

The paper should not be more than 10 pages.


All references should be written in Vancouver style.

Books :

Standard format Authors, Title(in italics), Publisher, City of Publication, Year of Publication, page numbers(if appropriate).

Example :

1. Richardson CA, Jull G, Hodges P, Hydes J. Therapeutic exercise for spinal segmental stabilization in low back pain. 1st ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1999. p. 1-170.

Journal Articles : 

Standard format Authors, "Title of the article," Journal name(in italics), Volume (Issue), Pages, Month Year.

Example :

Chien A, Sterling M. Sensory hypoaesthesia is a feature of chronic whiplash but not chronic idiopathic neck pain. Manual Therapy 2010; 15(1): 48-53.

Conference Proceedings Standard Format :

Authors, "Title of the article," in Title of the conference (in italics), Publisher, Pages.

Example :

Leclercq, P. and Heylighen, "A. 5,8 Analogies per hour: A designer's view on analogical reasoning," in 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 285-303.

E-Books :

Standard format Authors, Title of E-book(in italics), Publisher, Date of original publication. [Format] Available: Source.

Example :

T. Eckes, The Developmental Social Psychology of Gender, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000. [E-book] Available: netLibrary e-book.

E-journal :

Standard format Authors, "Title of Article," Title of Journal(in italics), Volume (Issue), pages, month year. [Format]. Available: Database Name (if appropriate), article number (if given), internet address. [Accessed date of access].

Example :

A. Altun, "Understanding hypertext in the context of reading on the web: Language learners' experience," Current Issues in Education, 6(12), July 2003. [Online]. Available:[Accessed Dec. 2, 2004].

Use the Following Links for Creating References:


These ready-to-use templates are made to help the contributors write as per the requirements? of the Journal.

Save the templates on your computer and use them with a word processor program. Click open the file and save it as the manuscript file.

In the program keep 'Document Map' and 'Comments' on from the 'View' menu to navigate through the file.

Download Template for Original Articles/ABSTRACT Reports. (.DOT file)

Download Template for Review Articles. (.DOT file)

Download Template for Case Reports. (.DOT file)

Download Template for Letter to the Editor. (.DOT file)

Word limits vary by the type of manuscript i.e.:

Original article: up to 3000 words (excluding abstract, references, and tables). The manuscript may have about 30 references.

Review article: up to 4000 words (excluding tables, references, and abstract). The manuscript may have about 80 references.

Editorial: 1500 words excluding references. The manuscript may have about 15 references.

Case report/ case series: up to 1200 words (excluding references and abstract) and could have up to 12 references. The manuscript should not have more than 3 figures.

Letter to editor: 500 words and 5 references. The manuscript should not have more than 2 figures.

Summary of manuscript preparation

A. Have I prepared the First Page File correctly?

1) Covering letter

2) Title page

- Name of authors (last names, first and middle) and their highest degree with institutional affiliations
- Address/ e-mail address, phone, and fax number (if available) of all authors Word count, abstract, and text separately, excluding references
- Short title not more than 45 characters
-Acknowledgments, if any, should be mentioned in the first-page file. This file is not utilized during the peer review process.

B. Have I prepared the Main Article File correctly?

1) Title of article- do not use all capital letters or underline

2) Do not use the names of authors in this file

3) Abstract- Structured for original and review articles, non-structured for others

4) Keywords 3-8, standard MeSH terms

5) Introduction, Material, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions

6) Standard references with accurate bibliographic information and punctuations

7) Tables with titles, legends, or footnotes

8) Check your manuscript for any of the gross grammatical mistake

9) Manuscript pages should have continuous line numbers. Number all pages in sequence, including the abstract, figure legends, and tables.

C. Have I arranged good-quality Images, if applicable?

Use high quality images

D. Have I uploaded the Copyright Form signed by all authors?

An electronic plagiarism check is used by Journal, therefore, please avoid copying and pasting from other sources during the preparation of your manuscript. The manuscript may be returned back to you for technical modification if the above instructions are not complied with, usually before the peer review process starts. For further clarification of points, you may e-mail us- vimsptcrj @ Kindly always indicate the manuscript number (ID) and title during correspondence or e-mail. VIMSJPT receives more articles than it can publish. The acceptance rate is low. The manuscript provisionally accepted is assigned to a particular issue. We can not publish all the articles provisionally assigned to that issue because of the relevance of text and space limits of the journal.

Steps for electronic submission


- Computer and Internet connection

- Web browser (preferably newer version- IE 5.0 or NS 4.7 or above)

- Cookies and Javascript to be enabled in web browser

1) Registration

- Login into Submissions | VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY ( and signup as a new author

- This is a two-step self explanatory process

2) Article submission

- Files needed are first-page files, article file

- Click on 'Submit a new article under 'New Article'.

- Click on 'Submit a new article under 'New Article'.

- On successful submission you will receive an acknowledgment quoting the manuscript numbers in your registered email

3) Tracking the progress

- Login and Click on 'In Review Article' under 'Submitted Articles'

- The site gives status of article

- Comments sent by the editor and referee will be available from these pages.

4) Submitting a revised article:

Revisions of manuscripts are due in 4 weeks after the submissions are returned to the authors.

- Click on 'Article for Revision' under 'Submitted Articles'

- Click on 'Revise'

- The step is uploading the revised article

- Include the referee's comments along with point-to-point clarifications at the beginning of the revised article file

- browse, choose your file, and then click 'Upload' or click 'Finish'

- On completion of the revision process you will be able to check the latest file uploaded from Article Cycle.