Effect of pelvic tilt on parameters of gait in stroke patients
Stroke, Pelvic tilt, Trunk control, Gait parametersAbstract
Background: Pelvic asymmetry is commonly observed in stroke subjects. There is increased anterior and Lateral Pelvic Tilt in patients with a stroke which influences the gait parameters like stride length, step length, step width and the cadence of the stroke subject. Objectives: 1. To measure the pelvic tilt in stroke patients.2. To measure the gait parameters of the stroke patient. Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted on 18 patients with stroke. Anterior and Lateral Pelvic Tilt of stroke subjects were measured using pelvic inclinometer. The deviation in pelvic tilt was measured in degrees. Patients were asked to walk on a given platform with or without assistive device. Following this, Gait parameters were measured like stride length, step length, step width and cadence. Results: There was a negative correlation between Anterior Pelvic Tilt and stride length, with r-value of -0.8774 and p-value <0.0001 (extremely significant). Step length and Anterior Pelvic Tilt was also correlated r = -0.7870 and p =0.0001 (extremely significant). Step width and Anterior Pelvic Tilt was correlated which was also negative correlation r =- 0.9817 and p = <0.0001 which was extremely significant and cadence and Anterior Pelvic Tilt was also negative correlation which showed r = -0.6538 and p = 0.0033 which was extremely significant. Stride length and Lateral Pelvic Tilt was correlated were correlation r was -0.8060 and significance p was <0.0001 and the test was extremely significant. Step length and Lateral Pelvic Tilt also had a negative correlation, correlation r was -0.6743 and significance p was 0.0021 which was very significant. Step width and Lateral Pelvic Tilt was correlated had the test showed negative correlation r =-0.8140 and p=<0.0001 which was also extremely significant and cadence after correlation with Lateral Pelvic Tilt also showed
negative correlation were r= -0.5825 and p=0.0112 which was significant. Conclusion: - It can be concluded from the study that there is a significant relationship between Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Lateral Pelvic Tilt and gait parameters in patients with stroke.
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