The Characteristics of Longitudinal Studies Analysing Functional Recovery in Patients with Stroke - A Systematic Review


  • Mukund Shubhangi Intern, DVVPF's COllege of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar
  • Prof Dr. Ganvir Suvarna (PhD) Prof. and HOD
  • Harishchandre Maheshwari Asso. Prof. DVVPFs, College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar



Functional recovery, Longitudinal study, Stroke.  


Background- Stroke is a common neurological disorder that represents a major cause of disability. Stroke is a major cause of short-term functional impairment in developed countries, in absence of adequate treatment and rehabilitation which can lead to significant long-term functional impairment. Objectives- This present systematic review is aimed to explore the literature-related longitudinal studies conducted on patients with Stroke concerning the number of subjects included, follow-up time, number of centers involved, percentage of dropouts, and type of outcome measures used to assess the effect of treatment. Methods- PubMed databases were searched to identify eligible studies using the keywords Stroke, Functional recovery, and longitudinal studies. Only longitudinal studies published in the last 12 years (2010-2022) were included in this review. Results- Nine studies were included in the review conducted on functional recovery in Stroke patients. All studies investigated Functional recovery over a longer period using different outcome measures with different follow-up times. It was found that functional recovery occurs over a longer period. Conclusion- This review concludes that multicentric longitudinal studies with specifically related outcome measures focus on activity & participation as stated in ICF guidelines with an option of telerehabilitation in the chronic stage to reduce attrition rate may be undertaken by the researcher in the field of Stroke rehabilitation. 

Keywords: Functional recovery, Longitudinal study, Stroke.



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How to Cite

Shubhangi, M., Suvarna (PhD), P. D. . G., & Maheshwari, H. (2024). The Characteristics of Longitudinal Studies Analysing Functional Recovery in Patients with Stroke - A Systematic Review. VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 6(1), 3–6.



Review Article