Near Normal Functional Recovery in a Toddler with GBS – A Case Report
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), Functional Manual Testing, PhysiotherapyAbstract
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in 14-months-old male child in acute stage of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) for 1.5 months. Physiotherapy was given for 1.5 months, 5 days in a week of 1 and half hour session per day with rest periods between the session. Physiotherapy intervention includes passive – active exercise, PNF, supine to sit, sit to stand, weight bearing exercise, abdominal and back extensor strengthening, gait training, and play activities. Outcomes used before and after the intervention were Functional Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) and Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) to analyse the effects of physiotherapy intervention. This study concluded that there was a significant improvement in patient’s motor functions and functional recovery after physiotherapy treatment.
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