Mechanical diagnosis and therapy in patients with extremity problems: A Systematic review


  • Dr. Mrudula Shete (PT) Dr
  • Dr. Deepak Anap (PT)





Background: Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) is used in the treatment of extremity problems. It is an effective approach in cases of spinal conditions for target population. Availability of the reliable data like RCT and systematic review is a key factor to determine the precise clinical problem and to direct an appropriate intervention.

Objectives: The primary aim of this systematic review is to assess the methodological quality of well-designed RCTs related to the MDT classification and treatment for extremity problems.

 Design: Systematic review.

 Method: Electronic search on various data bases was done. The level of evidence was determined considering the methodological quality of the studies.

Results: 1 RCT was included and it met the criteria for high quality. After the assessment of RCT according to the CONSORT guidelines it was found that out of 25 checklist points; 4 methodological faults were found in assessed RCT. Those were; a) sample size determination, b) Blinding after assessment c) Generisability of the trial findings d) Where the full trial protocol can be accessed.

Conclusion: The current systematic review found strong evidence of benefits of MDT approach for extremity problems (knee joint). But there was limited evidence in other extremity joints.

Author Biography

Dr. Deepak Anap (PT)

HOD and Professor, Dept. of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, D.V.V.P.F's college of physiotherapy, Ahmednagar


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How to Cite

Shete (PT), D. M., & Anap (PT), D. D. (2021). Mechanical diagnosis and therapy in patients with extremity problems: A Systematic review. VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 3(2), 111–115.



Review Article