Evaluation of recovery of oxygen saturation and rate of perceived exertion in different body positions after submaximal exercise test in normal healthy individual
Oxygen saturation, RPE, Supine, Prone, Upright sitting.Abstract
Background: Oxygen saturation is the fraction of oxygen saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin in blood. Normal oxygen saturation level in humans are 95-100 percent. Breathlessness is an unpleasant sensation of rapid or difficult breathing. The reason behind the subject experiencing breathlessness is that the body demands more oxygen than it supplies. Thus this study is conducted to Evaluate Recovery of Oxygen saturation and Rate of perceived exertion in different body positions after submaximal exercise testing in normal healthy individuals.
Methodology: It was Pre and Post Study Design with 6 months duration including 40 healthy students recruited by purposive sampling method. The outcome measure was Recovery of Oxygen saturation and rate of perceived exertion.
Result – Using the Paired t test, this shows that fastest recovery of oxygen saturation occurs in prone position that is within 1 min (99±0.96) than supine within 3 min (99±0) than upright sitting within 3 min (99±0) and fastest recovery of rate of perceived exertion occurs in prone position that is within 1 min (0.825±0.99) than supine within 3 min (0±0) than upright sitting within 3 min (0±0).
Conclusion - From the present study we evaluate the Recovery of oxygen saturation and RPE in supine, prone, upright sitting position and we found that the fastest recovery of oxygen saturation and Rate of perceived exertion occurs in prone position than supine and upright sitting position after submaximal exercise testing in normal healthy individual.
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