Combined Effect of Myofascial Release and Muscle Energy Technique in a College Going Student With Trapezitis at a Single Session – A Case Study




Myofascial Release Technique, Muscle Energy Technique, Trapezitis.


Background: Improper neck posture for a prolonged time and stressful neck movements can result in a painful condition of neck, commonly known as Trapezitis. Muscle Energy Technique (MET) and Myofascial Release (MFR) technique are commonly used physiotherapeutic maneuvers to treat stressful muscle and fascia.

Methods: Thorough assessment was done for a college-going, 28 years old female student with neck pain, painful neck movement and headache and was diagnosed with ‘trapezitis’. The case study was conducted to find the effect of both MFR and MET after a single session in Trapezitis. Outcome measures were assessed for both headache and neck pain separately using a Numeric pain rating scale-11 (NPRS-11), and cervical lateral flexion ROM using a goniometer. Pre- and post-intervention data were collected. Qualitative analyses of outcome variables were done.

Results: Study results showed improvement after intervention in NPRS-11 for neck pain, NPRS-11 for headache, and cervical lateral flexion ROM.

Conclusion: The study concluded that the single session of MFR and MET is effective in decreasing pain, and increasing ROM in trapezius.


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How to Cite

Datri, B., Aranyak, A., & Shilpasree, S. (2024). Combined Effect of Myofascial Release and Muscle Energy Technique in a College Going Student With Trapezitis at a Single Session – A Case Study. VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 6(1), 53–59.



Case Study