Effect of Chin Tuck Exercise with Pectoralis Muscles Stretching Exercise v/s Chin Tuck Exercise with Scapular Retraction Strengthening Exercise on CVA, SA And Active Cervical ROM in Young Adults Patients in Text Neck Syndrome - A Randomized Clinical Trial


  • Khot Preeti Intern, Miraj Medical Centre, College of Physiotheapry, Wanless Hospital,Miraj
  • Noor Ahmad Assistant Professor, Miraj Medical Centre, College of Physiotheapry, Wanless Hospital, Miraj
  • Bhore Vrushali Assistant Professor, Miraj Medical Centre, College of Physiotheapry, Wanless Hospital, Miraj
  • Gachhi Shruti Assistant Professor, Miraj Medical Centre, College of Physiotheapry, Wanless Hospital, Miraj




Text Neck Syndrome, Posture, Physiotherapy


BACKGROUND: Text Neck Syndrome refers to repetitive stress injury, having an individual’s head hung forward looking at the mobile for a longer period of time. Most common symptoms of this syndrome are forward head posture, forward shoulder posture and reduced active cervical ranges of motion. 

AIM: To find the effect of chin tuck exercise with pectoralis muscles stretching exercise versus chin tuck exercise with scapular retraction strengthening exercise on cranio-vertebral angle, shoulder angle and active cervical ROM in young adult patients in text neck syndrome.

METHOD: The study was conducted in College of Physiotherapy, Wanless hospital, Miraj Medical Centre, Miraj. It was a cross over study conducted on college going students using a simple random sampling method. Participants (n=48) who fulfilled inclusion criteria were included and were divided into two groups. The duration of the study was of 6 months. Participants were assessed using SAS-SV for pre-assessment and Smartphone protractor application and Goniometer for both pre- and post-assessment. The participants in a group A were given pectoralis muscle stretching exercise and participants in group B were given scapular retraction strengthening exercise both including chin tuck exercise over the span of 4 weeks. After which the outcome measures like CVA, SA And Active Cervical ROM were assessed again.  

RESULT: Statistical analysis was done using unpaired t test between the groups and paired t test among the groups. The within-group analysis of pre- and post-treatment measurement of the techniques showed clinical and statistical significance whereas, the between group analysis showed no significant difference.

CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that chin tuck exercise with scapular retraction strengthening exercise is more effective as compared to chin tuck exercise with pectoralis muscles stretching exercise in the treatment of text neck syndrome.


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How to Cite

Preeti, K., Ahmad, N., Vrushali, B., & Shruti, G. (2024). Effect of Chin Tuck Exercise with Pectoralis Muscles Stretching Exercise v/s Chin Tuck Exercise with Scapular Retraction Strengthening Exercise on CVA, SA And Active Cervical ROM in Young Adults Patients in Text Neck Syndrome - A Randomized Clinical Trial . VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 6(1), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.46858/VIMSJPT.6110



Original Article