Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of body Composition analyzer in young adults aged 18-25 years
Body-composition, BIA, reliability, adults, Bodecoder, Total-bodyfatAbstract
BACKGROUND: Bodecoder (model no.CHL-818E) is a body impedance analyzer for clinically assessing body composition, but psychometric properties of which has not been tested for clinical purpose. The study aims to determine intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of body composition components of equipment in healthy adult population.
METHODOLOGY: The examination of 125 healthy young adults (18-25 years) performed by trained raters using the bodecoder equipment. For intra-rater reliability, same rater performed the examination on three alternative days at the same time. For inter-rater reliability, 2 different raters performed examination on 2 different days at same time.
RESULT: ICC value for inter-rater and intra-rater was excellent for weight (0.986- 0.994), BMI (0.901-0.996), VFI (0.980-0.996), TBW% (0.974-0.988), BMC (0.967- 0.995) and BMR (0.970-0.987), whereas found good for SM% (0.864-0.856) and moderate for ULB (0.563-0.699). Here, TBF% (0.300-0.987) showed poor inter-rater reliability and excellent intra-rater reliability. Whereas, BB (0.465- 0.679) showed poor inter-rater reliability and moderate intra rater reliability. But, LLB showed both poor intra-rater and inter-rater reliability.
CONCLUSION: It is evident that Bodecoder equipment can be used for examining body composition components, but cannot be considered for examining total body fat percentage as well as balance components.
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