Internship learning contract in physiotherapy
Evaluation, internship, learning contract, physiotherapy, self directed learning, agreementAbstract
Background: A learning contract is an agreement negotiated between student and supervising teacher that gives an information about what you want to learn and how you plan to learn it. The main objective of the present study was to find out if internship learning contract could be beneficial in individualized self directed learning with the instructional support from supervisors in undergraduate physiotherapy program.
Methods: A total of 32 physiotherapy intern students participated in this study. They were requested to complete the questionnaire and discuss with their internship supervisor. After this, intern and supervisor were separately interviewed for their opinion and satisfaction pertaining to this activity.
Results: Almost every participant and supervisor liked the internship learning contract concept and there was significant level of satisfaction amongst interns and their supervisors.
Conclusion: The use of a learning contract during BPT internship may be beneficial in enhancing self directed learning and instructional support.
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