A Effect of static and dynamic loading of backpack on cervical and shoulder posture in school going children of age group 10-15 years old - pre-test and post -test experimental study

Effect of static and dynamic loading in school going children


  • Dupare Prajakta Student
  • Chourasia Shilpa Head of Department,V.S.P.M’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur
  • Mendhe Kiran Associate Professor, V.S.P.M’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur
  • Shah Kartik Assistant Professor, V.S.P.M’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur
  • P. Tanvi M.P.T. Stduent, VSPM College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur




Cervical posture, Shoulder posture, Backpacks, Static loading, Dynamic loading, School going children.



Background: Musculoskeletal problems associated with use of backpack have become an increasing concern with school children due to its direct and indirect effect on health. School bag loads are reported to cause many problems in children such as body pain, cardio?respiratory changes, postural changes, and balance impairment.

Method: A pre-test and post-test experimental study carried out to study the effect of static and dynamic loading of backpack on cervical and shoulder posture in school going children of age group 10-15 years old.

Result: The result shows that there is significant effect of static and dynamic loading of backpack on cervical and shoulder posture in school going children of age group 10–15 years old.
Conclusion: The study concludes that backpack weighing 10% of body weight shows significant changes in cervical and shoulder posture. These changes are more after dynamic activities when compared with static loading and unloaded condition.


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How to Cite

Prajakta, D., Shilpa, C., Kiran, M., Kartik, S., & Tanvi, P. (2023). A Effect of static and dynamic loading of backpack on cervical and shoulder posture in school going children of age group 10-15 years old - pre-test and post -test experimental study : Effect of static and dynamic loading in school going children . VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 5(1), 62–73. https://doi.org/10.46858/VIMSJPT.5113



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