The Effect of 3 months structured aerobic exercises versus structured resistance exercises programme on blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes mellitus- A Randomized controlled trial

Effect of 3 months structured aerobic exercises versus structured resistance exercises programme on blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes mellitus- A Randomized controlled trial


  • Mendhe Kiran Associate Professor, V.S.P.M’s College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur
  • Kumar Praveen Professor



Type 2 diabetes mellitus, resistence exercises, aerobic exercises, HbA1c%, fasting blood sugar, post prandial blood sugar



There has been a burgeoning interest in quality of life issues in people with diabetes mellitus. The proposed study would be carried out to see which exercise programme would be more effective in glycemic control and improving quality of life after 3 months in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus.


Ethical clearance was obtained. Subjects fulfilling the criteria were included. Written consent was obtained and test protocol was explained to patients and data was collected.


The study shows that after 3 months of training the HbA1c %, fasting and post prandial bold sugar values of both the groups showed a very minimal difference between the two groups.


The study shows that either of the exercises can reduce the glycaemic levels of the blood after 3 month thus making these exercises helpful in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.



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How to Cite

Kiran, M., & Praveen, K. (2023). The Effect of 3 months structured aerobic exercises versus structured resistance exercises programme on blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes mellitus- A Randomized controlled trial: Effect of 3 months structured aerobic exercises versus structured resistance exercises programme on blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes mellitus- A Randomized controlled trial. VIMS JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 5(1), 35–39.



Original Article