Variations in shoulder and pelvic girdle alignment in patients with stroke: A Cross sectional study
Stroke, shoulder alignment, pelvic alignment, Palpation meterAbstract
Background: Shoulder and pelvic girdle plays an important role in day to activities of life. In patients with Stroke, one side affection of these girdles pose a major challenge in rehabilitation. However, there is scanty literature about the variations in alignment of girdles in patients with stroke. Aim: This study is aimed to analyse the abnormal changes in the Scapular, Acromion, Mastoid, Pelvis alignment in patients with stroke, as a baseline data. Methodology: An observational study of Scapular, Acromion, Mastoid, Pelvis alignment in stroke survivors was conducted in a Tertiary care hospital. Stroke survivors were recruited from the Physiotherapy unit of VPMH hospital, Ahmednagar. Patients were included between the age group 30 to 70 yrs., Patients with unilateral stroke, patients with acute, subacute & chronic stroke and able to stand with or without support. A palpation meter is used to measure the Scapular, Acromion, Mastoid, Pelvis alignment in stroke survivors. Results: When measured scapular protraction, people after stroke showed more protracted scapulae than the healthy individuals (mean 1.28> 0.42, P= <0.0001). Scapular height discrepancy (mean 1.50>0.55 P= 0.0003), PSIS alignment (mean 0.52>0.07 P= <0.0001) and Acromioclavicular joint alignment (mean 2.28>0.45 P= <0.0001) shows more significant difference found in stroke survivors group than the Healthy individuals Conclusion: Our results indicate that people after stroke, in comparison with age-matched healthy comparison subjects, have altered Scapular, Acromioclavicular and pelvic alignment as evaluated by palpation meter.
Keywords: Stroke, Shoulder alignment, Pelvic alignment, Palpation Meter
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